
Hula! Anda sedang melihat blognya Magi. Mungkin yang sudah pernah kesini, menyadari ada perubahan ya... Kenapa? Jauh banget sama template yang lama yah...maaf, saya harus rapihin blog saya yang isinya kacau (menurut saya sih begitu...). Jadi sekarang sudah agak fresh dari segi template dan konsep penyajian. Tinggal di isi-isi. ^_^

Sebenernya pengen di dramatisir, cuma males ah..kesannya sok serius..jadi saya kasih templet yang nyaman dan simpel untuk dilihat..oh iya karena ini masih berantakan isinya, jadi maaf-maaf aja ya kalo post-nya masih yang dulu..belum di rapihin..maaf..abis sibuk sama kerjaan lain...yah, bertahap lah..

Umm..mungkin kebanyakan baca komik One Piece kali yah, saya jadi kepikiran untuk memformat post saya jadi seperti kolom SBS-nya Eichiro Oda di komiknya. Yah, saya ingin orang kenal saya dari jawaban saya atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang di ajukan. Selamat Membaca!(secara post-nya yang dulu..maaf lagi). Uwoooo...

Friday, June 09, 2006

Job...at last!

t’s been a long time since the last time, almost a year I say? Today I’m working on mural again, but this one is different. It made from stainless steel and teakwood. First my father want the mural had gap with 4 millimeters wide so it can be installed with stainless steel plate 4 x 30 mm. What should I use, chisel? Then my father teaches me how to use this power tool: Trimmer. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting This stuff is amazing; it’s like a vertical drill with vertical blade. It can be used to make gap, chamfering wood corner, or make a wood profile. Just equip it with different blade. It quite easy to use…turns on then waits until reach maximum speed put it on wood surface and happy trimming! Don’t surprise by noise produced; it can make you dizzy after an hour operates. But for me it’s fun. Wood shard everywhere…yippee... Now my dad wants a negative beveling, and its circle. As I remember, using drill equipped with circle blade can solve this problem. Correct! But my dad only uses it to mark it. Why? Oh, its teakwood, when I use it on multiplex it will crush then leave a hole, teakwood is harder it won’t be crushed. Solution…? That will teach you the old fashion of sculpture student, said Dad. Chisel. Wood carving is fifth semester sculpture program. I clean out the leftover wood using chisel. Fun but darn difficult. First problem, normal hammer is not an effective tool for chisel, you need wood hammer, big one (almost as big as your head). Why? I won’t explain it; try it your self then you’ll understand. Next, your carving isn’t smooth. Simple, you carve the wood against wood rail. Last, keep your chisel sharp! If you had sharp chisels, you can work it without hammer at all. Happy carving!