Hula! Anda sedang melihat blognya Magi. Mungkin yang sudah pernah kesini, menyadari ada perubahan ya... Kenapa? Jauh banget sama template yang lama yah...maaf, saya harus rapihin blog saya yang isinya kacau (menurut saya sih begitu...). Jadi sekarang sudah agak fresh dari segi template dan konsep penyajian. Tinggal di isi-isi. ^_^
Sebenernya pengen di dramatisir, cuma males ah..kesannya sok serius..jadi saya kasih templet yang nyaman dan simpel untuk dilihat..oh iya karena ini masih berantakan isinya, jadi maaf-maaf aja ya kalo post-nya masih yang dulu..belum di rapihin..maaf..abis sibuk sama kerjaan lain...yah, bertahap lah..
Umm..mungkin kebanyakan baca komik One Piece kali yah, saya jadi kepikiran untuk memformat post saya jadi seperti kolom SBS-nya Eichiro Oda di komiknya. Yah, saya ingin orang kenal saya dari jawaban saya atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang di ajukan. Selamat Membaca!(secara post-nya yang dulu..maaf lagi). Uwoooo...
I never really understand, why does life can't be pushed all the way long as we wish?
Not all of them can be done...
Not all of them can be achieved...
Perhaps i still can done it...
One by one...
Postpone them all...
choose one...
achieve one..
one and another...
one and another...
Follow the beat
Have you ever think why we work so hard?
Well i have think about it so far, and i got two answer:
First, you did not enjoy the work
Second, you did not focus in the job
Well, believe it or not...we can mix both answer as a solution!
I believe our life has a basic beat..you follow this beat..uncounciusly..like your heart beat resonate with the beat..while your playing DanceDanceRevolution you have to follow the beat don't cha? Just simple like that...If you had difficult task use the difficult beat..if you need to finish a task fast, you need to follow the fast beat...
The only thing maybe difficult for you is to hear the beat...cuz sometime we made to much noise...hmm?